Outdoor feeder

LS cable provides RF transmission line products such as RF feeder cable, radiating cable, connectors and the related accesories for wireless comunication systems. The company suplied its products to not only major operators in Korea but number of overseas customers with 40 years accumulated cable manufacturing know-how technology. We are very proud that numorous subscribers enjoy superior quality of wireless system using LS RF transmission line products.

We are sure your choice of LS Cable will bring great satisfaction in every aspects, especialy in both quality eficiency

RF Feeder Cable
Superflex ¼’ Superflex 3/8’ Superflex ½’ Superflex 7/8’
Flexible ½’ Flexible 7/8’ Flexible 1-1/4’ Flexible 1-5/8’
Low Loss Feeder Cable
Low Loss 7/8 & 1-1/4
Leaky Cable : Introduction
Leaky ½’ Leaky 7/8’ Leaky 1-1/4’ Leaky 1-5/8’
Jumper Cable & Connector
For detail information please refer to www.lscable.co.kr

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